One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 60th Anniversary

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One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 60th Anniversary


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1,495 USD - Unframed
International Purchases: Prices are shown in US Dollars only and do not reflect local exchange rates. Local taxes, import duties or shipping & handling are not included. Please contact a gallery for local pricing.

Pigment Print on acid-free paper
Authorized Estate Edition

Dimensions: 29" h x 23.125" w

Limited Edition of 395 Arabic Numbers
99 Patrons’ Collection prints
155 Collaborators’ Proofs
5 Hors d’Commerce
2 Printer's Proofs

60 Special Reserve

CLICK HERE for a complete overview of this artwork.

Dr. Seuss often used “nonsense” as a means to engage with life’s broad range of situations and as a way to break down monumental ideas into simple, digestible truths.

He always believed that “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” This indispensable life skill allows us to see what is essential, no matter how big the idea or task. And in the case of Dr. Seuss, it always keeps us laughing as we encounter the many twists and turns in life.

Dr. Seuss’s wisdom in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is simple: when facing life’s most challenging conundrums, break them down to the elemental and do so with a healthy dose of fun and fantasy. Nonsense always makes perfect sense, whether you are in life’s first decade or you have completed many!